
October 7, 2014

So You Want to Write An API?

The topic of this post is the design of an API. These are things I learnt in the course of writing the CHelpLib library. As most programmers know, API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API consists of a set of functions and data structures that provide some functionality to the user of the API. The most common example is the interface offered by an OS. All functions that are part of the OS, exposed to kernel mode applications like device drivers and user mode applications such as MS Word, make up the API of the OS. We all know the general guidelines around writing functions and designing data structures - clear functionality, keeping it simple, following naming conventions and so on. Many good programmers do follow these, of course, in developing applications but these are probably much more important in the design and implementation of an API because an API has the potential to be used much more widely since it is exposed to the public. Compare this to any module within a particular product, which is only used within the product itself and only the developers working on that product need to understand it.

Some points that I incorporated into the CHelpLib library's APIs:

  • Consistent experience in the usage of all the APIs within the library. This has two aspects: Consistent API usage experience across all functions within the library and consistency with the industry or platform specific conventions.
  • Consistency with the industry/platform makes it easy for the programmer using the API. In my case, this was the Windows platform programming conventions since I was developing for this platform. Consistency of the API includes:
    • Object(data structures) creation, usage and disposal semantics must be similar across the library.
    • Function signatures and naming must be consistent and follow the Windows API model.
    • All functions must be consistent in the way they handle memory allocation/deallocation. This could either be left to the caller or usually shared between the caller and the callee.
    • All functions within the API must follow the same method of error/failure reporting to the caller.
  • A public API must be very well documented and the documentation must be up to date. This means the documentation must include what exactly each function does, how it is supposed to be used, what are the failure scenarios and so on.
  • All known bugs must be documented and made visible to the users.
  • An API/library is meant to provide functionality with as less complexity in usage as possible. To this end, the API must expose very little implementation details (this must be documented, however).
  • If the API consists of functions that provide functionality such as algorithms and data structures: the algorithm design, memory requirements and expected performance should be specified so that the users can make better choices and use the API in a better way.

The most important changes I made to the CHelpLib library in order to incorporate the above points:

  • Simplifying the naming of all functions and avoiding naming collisions with system functions. All function names follow this pattern: "CHL_{module_name}{function_name}". For example, CHL_DsCreateHT - 'Ds' indicates DataStructures, 'CreateHT' indicates that the function creates a hashtable.
  • Standardizing the error/failure reporting using HRESULT as the return type of most functions. This type is the recommended return type on the Windows platform.
  • Since return type is used only to indicate function success or failure, programmatic return values are passed back to caller via 'out' parameters, i.e., using pointer parameters. For example: CHL_DsCreateHT(**pHTableOut, nEstEntries, keyType, valType, fValInHeapMem). This function creates a hashtable and returns a pointer to the hashtable object in the first parameter pHTableOut.
  • Each module has its own header file. API users only need to include the used module's header file. Earlier, all exported functions and data structures were specified within a single header file.
  • Usage of Microsoft's SAL2(Source Annotation Language) to annotate the function parameters. This enables better static code checking and also conveys the meaning of the parameters better.
  • The data structures - hashtable, linkedlist and queue - all have identical support for storage and retrieval of values (and keys).
  • More test code was written to test the new changes and older tests provided the necessary regressions.
  • Writing documentation for the full API. This is still a work in progress.
The code for CHelpLib along with the Test code and documentation can be found at Github: Future work for this particular library will see additions in the area of data structures, algorithms and some stuff around Windows process access APIs.

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